Monday, May 23, 2011


So I have all these abandoned canvases and stretcher bars from years ago and I decided I had better make use of them. Above is an old painting I was working on 2 years ago that was going to be of all these geometric shapes intertwined with mutant cats and an icecream cone looking pile of poop in the middle. Admittedly a little ridiculous but would have looked great. It never quite worked out for various reasons. One of which was that I was living and working in a basement that always flooded and it was so damp that the masking tape never adhered. It seriously felt like a swamp or jungle down there. I lived under a shiny tentlike army parachute, slept on a cot and had a little drawing desk. At night with the chirping crickets and my single light on in my dark camp I almost believed I was in the jungle. It was a strange way to live and work. I'm digressing. Anyway, this canvas is getting sanded down tonight to hide the old painting, and flipped n gessoes on the fresh side of canvas. The stretcher bars on the right were from ages ago. I just recut them to 5ft. I am very excited about the painting these are being used for.

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